Bird is dead
The collage-birds of artist Herma Starreveld inspired me to write this story about a bird who is found dead, but then what? Who is going to organize the funeral, who wants to pay a last tribute, is singing a song allowed when you are sad, and what to do after the funeral?
The book was published in september 2022, and not long after the book fair in Frankfurt, the foreign rights were already sold to:
Germany (Jacoby & Stuart – published August 2023)
France (Rue du Monde)
Japan (Kagaku-Dojin)
Canada (Greystone – English rights worldwide)
Spain (Birabiro, for both Spanish and Catalan)
Very pleased that this book will find a worldwide audience! For more information, contact Annette Wichmann at a.wichmann@gottmer.nl.

Nobody’s boy
My adaptation of Hector Malots famous classic ‘Sans famille’ (titled ‘Nobody’s boy’ in English), is incredibly illustrated by Charlotte Dematons. The timelessness of the story makes it a great read for anyone aged 7 and up, whether it be reading it to your 7-year-old or losing yourself in it as an adult.
The book reached the bestseller-top-60 list upon publishing (2016), went to reprints in no time and has five editions so far. More than 30.000 copies sold. Published by Gottmer.
Publishing house Urachhaus Verlag immediately recognised the international potential of my adaptation and brought out a German edition in fall 2018.
For other interested publishers, please feel free to read the sample translation by Lorraine T. Miller.

That stupid book
This is the most stupid book you will ever pick up. It’s so stupid, I’m wondering if you should even pursue to read it. If you do anyway, you can’t say I didn’t warn you. Cause this IS the most stupid book ever. I swear..
Fifteen year old Ive and his classmates get the assignment to write a book. The blue haired student, who has an attention disorder, is not necessarily happy about this. He thinks it’s stupid. He therefore calls it: That stupid book. After an emergency phone call, Ive decides to write about a few days of his own life, when he, his mother and his younger sister go on the road to find his father, who suddenly disappeared. The trip leads to Berlin and is so bizarre, thrilling and funny at once, that according to Ive you’d want to read it in one go. When he meets the mysterious English girl Jo and her dog Max, the story takes an unexpected turn…
Published by Volt. Please feel free to read the sample translation by Dorith Mous

Romeo & Juliet
Transforming Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet from a play to a novel, had me staying close to the original story – including it’s rich symbolism – as to keep this most famous love story alive for readers of this day and age. As prof dr. Hoenselaars, of the Utrecht University, and author of Shakespeare forever put it: “Retaining Romeo & Juliet’s juicy lingo, while changing idiom, is extremely difficult. You sure succeeded!”.
Published by Blossom Books. For interested publishers, please feel free to read the sample translation by Laura Watkinson.

The little prince
The second most translated book in the world – following the Bible – is now accessible for children, with beautiful illustrations by Mark Janssen.
This story is one of my all-time favourites; what an incredible honour to be given the opportunity to create a new rendition that is suited for the young readers of our newest generation.
Five reprints, more than 14.000 copies sold.
Published by Volt. Please feel free to read the sample translation by Kristen Gehrman.

My year in a tent
Sold tu Turkey (Uyurgezer publishers): expected year of publishing 2025
A heart warming story about resilience, friendship and grief.
Responding to current themes such as refugee camps and overcoming fear.
Up til now eight reprints.
Second prize for the Flamish childrens- and youth jury 2022.
Published bij Volt.
Please feel free to read the sample translation bij Susan Ridder.
My debut (En dan was ik de prinses, 1999) was published in four countries:
- UK – The princess gift book (Bloomsbury Publishing)
- USA – Four princesses (Kane/Miller Book Publishers)
- Denmark – Min egen prinsessbog (Borgens Forlag)
- Korea – (in Korean: For all the princesses in the world (Tin Drum Publishing – reprinted twice)